CAM Cover Specifications
As a CAM Designer, your cover art is required to meet CAM Cover Specifications.
CAM Cover Specifications
- JPG Format.
- 3000 x 3000 pixels.
- Text on the Cover is 'Song Title' and 'Artist Name'. No variations. Parental Advisory is optional.
- Upload Picture Covers must-have 'Your Picture Here' where the client's picture will go on the cover
- 2MB file size is recommended 4MB file size maximum.
- Accurately tag covers. Covers that are inaccurately tagged will be deleted (for example, selecting the colors white, black, and red for a black-and-white-only cover). Designers consistently inaccurately tagging covers will be removed from CAM.
Exclusive Cover Design.Your cover design must be original, copyright-free, and royalty-free and does not infringe or violate the rights of any person or entity.
Using 3D render and photography images for cover art is allowed, provided significant changes are made to the image. If your cover can be found by a reverse image search, do not upload it to CAM. A good rule of thumb would be to ask yourself, "if the buyer found the 3D render image you used, would they be upset?" The answer should always be no. An example of a reverse image search site you can use to check your covers is
Below is an example of a 3D render image change that DOES ✅comply with CAM Cover specifications.
Original 3D Render Image
Image Changed, DOES Comply ✅
Below is an example of a photographic image that has not been changed and DOES NOT ❌ comply with CAM Cover Specifications.
Original Photo Image
Image NOT Changed, DOES NOT Comply ❌
If you upload and sell a cover that does not comply with CAM Cover Specifications that CAM can find on a reverse image search site or CAM deems the cover to be just a copy of the 3D Render / Photograph with a Song Title and Artist Name added. In that case, you will NOT BE PAID commission and may be REMOVED from CAM.
CAM MOTION Cover Specifications
- MP4 Format
- 30 second animated clip of the cover
- 25MB file size is recommended, 100MB maximum file size, use compression
If you have a question about CAM Cover Specifications, email us at